Element-4 Radio Control System (Pistol Grip)
Element-4 Radio Control System (Pistol Grip)
3113-0004-0001Nu am putut încărca disponibilitatea pentru ridicare
With an ergonomic design and built-in channel mixing, the Pistol Grip goBILDA® Element-4 Radio Control System allows you to control your project wirelessly across 4 channels of operation!
Steering-Optimized Form Factor
The transmitter’s handy pistol grip design brings comfort to control. You can even operate your applications with only one hand!
Four Channels, Infinite Options
The first four numbered channels of the receiver are tied to specific control devices in the transmitter.
Channels 1 and 2 are tied to a steering wheel (Channel 1) and trigger (Channel 2). Both offer proportional control. You can use the wheel to steer a skid-steer chassis while using the trigger for throttle control. The built-in channel mixing combines the two channels’ inputs to allow you to control the speed and direction of each side of a chassis! Channel mixing can also be disabled to facilitate Ackermann-style steering (common in cars).
Whatever your steering style, it’s easier to keep a chassis moving straight with this transmitter’s wheel and trigger than it is with a transmitter that uses a single gimbal for steering and throttle. You can even use trim buttons to adjust either channel’s signal.
Channel 3 is tied to a button that outputs a different signal depending on whether or not it is being pressed. This makes it excellent for controlling a servo intended to jump between two positions. You can also use Channel 3 with the PWM Switch (SKU: 3108-0102-0201) to apply an “off” or an “on” status to two outputs simultaneously.
- Channel 4 is tied to a button that cycles through three output signals. The Servo Travel Tuner (SKU: 3109-0002-0001) is a perfect way to dial-in the exact positions you want. And if you use a PWM Switch on Channel 4, you can cycle through three dual-output statuses: both off, one on / one off, and both on.
All four channels can be reversed via the REV button to provide exactly the input-output interaction you want from their control!
Element Receiver
The included Element Receiver is available individually. It’s also the same receiver used in the six-channel Element-6 Radio Control System. (The Pistol Grip System uses four of the receiver's channels while offering advantages in steering.)
Regardless of your transmitter’s style or channel count, the Element Receiver’s M.BUS output is available for usage. The M.BUS output is functionally the same as an S.BUS output.